موسسه نگهداری کوتاه مدت
It is difficult for short-term facilities to develop the full spectrum of reentry programming that is possible in longer-term facilities, but it is important that programs be developed from a reentry frame of mind.
While most states have moved toward compliance with the removal of status offenders from secure facilities, there remain wide variations in the underlying reasons for placement of youths in short-term facilities (both secure and non-secure).
The majority of short-term facilities have smaller average daily populations than do long-term correctional placements (Parent, Lieter, Kennedy, Livens, Wentworth, & Wilcox, 1994).
Variations in integration of short-term facilities with other juvenile justice system components.
Youths with multiple risk factors and those who are at high risk of recidivism may spend considerable amounts of time in short-term facilities that often receive the "leftovers" of resources allocated to the juvenile justice system.
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